Transfer to the JLR

Transferring Membership from Another League
If you have recently moved to Richmond and are interested in transferring your Junior League membership to the Junior League of Richmond, please contact your current League and ask them to transfer your membership to the Junior League of Richmond via the AJLI (Association of Junior Leagues International) e-Transfer system. All transfer requests are processed through the AJLI online system. Once your transfer is sent over to the Junior League of Richmond and approved, you will be contacted by the Junior League of Richmond with information regarding your next steps.

For more information, please contact the Transfer Chair at

If you are moving to the Richmond area and are interested in transferring from your current League to the Junior League of Richmond, we would love to have you!
Transferring into Junior League of Richmond (JLR) is a great opportunity for you to meet new friends and make connections within the RVA community. We want to make your transition to our League, and the Richmond area, as seamless as possible.

“The transfer committee was a really fun way to learn everything about the Richmond League! I really enjoyed my small group because I was able to become fast friends with women new to the city. I even remained on the committee for a second year so I could meet more women in Richmond!” -Emily B.

During your transfer year, you will learn about Junior League of Richmond’s long history of voluntarism and the impact the League has had on the City of Richmond. You will be able to continue to develop your talents as a leader and put these skills to work to improve the lives of women and girls in our community.

Our Transfer Committee plans a variety of fun and educational activities to help you navigate through your first year in the League and in Richmond. Your Transfer Committee placement during your first year helps you orient yourself to our League, meet our members, and get your bearings in your new town. We encourage you to make new friends, try different volunteer and training opportunities, and experience all the Junior League of Richmond has to offer. Make sure to ask lots of questions and try everything!

Please note: Each League is independent and funds are not transferred between Leagues. If you are due a refund, please work with your previous League.

Transfer Member Obligations
In addition to your general membership requirements, which will be assessed on a case-by-case basis dependent on years in the League and the time at which you transfer in, transfers will also be required to attend:

  • 1 New Member Orientation
  • 3 Transfer Events
  • 3 Small Group Meetings

All obligations for transfers must be completed by May 31.